Father Involvement: A Catalyst for Transforming Gender Equity and Early Childhood Development in the Next 1000 Days
Father or male caregiver involvement is good for children and families. Caring father-child relationships in the early years are essential for children’s development and wellbeing. The recent launch of the two-part Lancet series, Early Childhood Development And The Next 1000 Days reveals that about 70% of children co-reside with their fathers. Despite the significant role that fathers play in children’s lives, parenting interventions still largely focus on mothers, particularly as it relates to the next 1000 days. Equimundo’s report State of the World’s Fathers 2023: Centering Care in a World in Crisis indicates that fathers recognize their shared responsibility in caregiving duties; however, mothers still take on the majority share of caregiving responsibilities. Interventions such as the Paternar program (Program P+) aim to address additional challenges when engaging men. These include targeting social and gender norms that limit childcare roles to women and program design approaches that fail to address men’s perspectives hindering their active participation.
Another program, Juega Conmigo (Come Play With Me program by ChildFund) focuses on engaging all caregivers. Preliminary analysis of the program engagement highlights increased male engagement in the early years, once convinced of their caregiving responsibilities and the effects that their involvement has. An entry point to engaging with men on masculinity and promoting a positive masculinity approach lies in the process of father engagement, particularly within home environments and early childhood spaces. Involving fathers during the next 1000 days not only fosters their active participation in care work but also helps to reduce the double burden of labor often placed on mothers. Shared responsibilities in caregiving can create long-term shifts in couple relations and household dynamics, which pave the way for more equitable gender roles. This level of engagement provides boys with positive male role models and shapes healthier perceptions of masculinity from an early age.
Early childhood programs must incorporate tailored strategies that recognize men’s role in delivering nurturing care during the next 1000 days. By excluding fathers in single-faceted early childhood programs directed toward female caregivers, programs risk not meaningfully addressing the complexities and imbalance that exist in restrictive cultural and gender norms. Father involvement in the early years serves as a key change agent in maximizing developmental potential, overall family wellbeing, and progress toward more gender-responsive societies.
Early childhood programs and providers should consider the following steps to ensure father-inclusive interventions promote involvement:
Promote the essential role of fathers in young children’s development across communities. Since gendered division of labor is engrained in most communities, it is important to address the gender stereotypes at this level and within family structures. This includes emphasizing how patriarchy and masculinity impacts both men and women through the use of community events and initiatives. When male caregivers recognize their role in raising children, collaboration in programs and interventions becomes more effective.
Integrate a positive masculinity approach in early childhood spaces. Advocate for the intentional inclusion of fathers and other male caregivers in these settings. Promote activities that foster emotional engagement and bonding with their children through play, storytelling, and open communication.
Build capacity of program and intervention staff working with families. Using inclusive language such as “parents” or “caregivers” instead of directing all communication related to parenting workshops to mothers is crucial. Partner with male community leaders, educators, or other influential figures who could serve as role models for other men and advocate for involved fatherhood is key.
Offer a wide range of modalities to engage men. Providing flexible schedules is one step toward recognizing that fathers may have work commitments that differ from other caregivers such as mothers. Designing materials and program approaches from the start that are hybrid or diverse in nature could prove more effective as male caregivers in many contexts are expected to provide financially for their families.
The relationship between early childhood development and gender is multi-dimensional. Now is the time to design early childhood programs and interventions that promote more equitable, balanced societies. By creating supportive, inclusive, and culturally-sensitive environments, meaningful male or father engagement can be fostered in early childhood programs focusing on the next 1000 days leading to better outcomes for children, families, and gender equity.
About the Authors:
Fabiola A. Lara is Founder and Principal Consultant at EquaNurture.
Maitreiyee Krishna is Gender Lead at Pratham Education Foundation and based in New Delhi, India.